Sunday, March 22, 2015

IS THE ASTRODOME SECURE? - Craig Shelton- 03.22.2015

Craig Shelton

Pictures have surfaced on social media via Twitter and Facebook that appear to show to individuals inside the interior of the Astrodome. There's one photo that possibly shows the two unidentified males appearing to have been photographed from the roof of the Astrodome.

Besides the obvious security concern, there's a question of whether or not taxpayer's money is being managed responsibly, based upon numerous photos which show the vacant Astrodome well-lit with lighting.

The two unknown individuals depicted in the photos added captions to the photos,  one indicating how easily they were able to breach the Astrodome.

"After making it in through a gap in the fence, we were stunned to find out that we snuck in on led straight onto the field. It's kind of hard to tell, but you can see that all of the lights were on in the main hallways which we thought was strange, but definitely helped us explore!"

The duo apparently went about their bucket list tour of the Astrodome without incident or detection by NRG Park security. The duo even photographed themselves in what appears to be the control room for the scoreboard, which appears to still be intact.

There's a clear potential for a serious security scenario to play out, if im fact these two unidentified individuals were able to breach Astrodome security so easily. It's a fair question to ask if in fact the Astrodome was breached as it may have appeared to be in the photos.

As tax payers and voters along with city and county officials go back and forth in the process of determining what the long-term future of the Astrodome will be, it's quite perplexing to know that taxpayer dollars may not be being well spent and accounted for in the maintaining of the Astrodome property.

Craig Shelton
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