Thursday, April 5, 2018

Local Sports Talk Habits by Personalities

Written By:  Lamont

If you have been listening to radio as long as I have, there are certain things you pick up from hosts.  Sunday, I was listening to Sean Pendergast's National Show and I was reminded of how much he smacks.

Initially, I was going cut up hours of audio of him smacking when I realized, all of these guys have signatures.

First thing first, Grammar Copping.  I can always tell if a caller, texter or tweeter has gotten into a local personality's feels because they revert back to grammar copping.  The personalities clearly know the context and/or annunciation of what a person is saying, but if they are so butthurt they have to say "You are coming at me when you are spelling You as U, (Country Club Laugh) Ha Ha Ha). A lot of personalities in this market will fallback on Grammar Copping.

I use to think it was only me because my Grammar is pretty damn delicious on social media and by delicious I mean, interesting. Then I started to notice them doing it to everyone.

Lance Zierlein - NFL Man - I am not sure if its an inside joke or some secret society shit but the NFL Flossing is played up too much.  I am happy for Lance getting a gig with NFL Network but now it seems as if it's put on as a badge of honor.  It's weird because its not only Lance saying "I work for the NFL, look at me", his coworkers promote it just as much.  Of course it makes sense to play up a noted guy on your squad but for me it comes off ass braggadocios.

John Granato - Faux Dallas Hate -  Although I call it Faux Dallas Sports Hate, the reality is, John can really hate the Rangers, Cowboys and Mavericks.  It comes off ass old and hokey playing up to a "make believe" Dallas vs Houston beef.  It made sense back in 03/04 when the Texans were brand new but it comes off as fake as fuck and for the most part, many have moved on from that.  The irony of it, I hate Dallas.  I hate the City of Dallas because I always seem to get in trouble in that city but in 2018?
  • Astros better than Rangers
  • Rockets own the Mavericks
  • Cowboys and Texans play every four years and neither has did anything
Jerome Solomon - Giggles   Jerome giggles too damn much when he's hosting or making guest appearances.  It comes off as a nervous condition but I've watched his TV Show and he does not giggle as much.

Fred Davis - 5 Hour Energy   When you listen to Fred, expect your heartbeat to go from 0-100 in 5 seconds.  Fred stays crunk.

AJ Hoffman  

Random Internal Interviews - Interviewing coworkers on the spot. It would be one thing if the people were interesting but they are not.  They are ok for a onesy but not as recurring thing.

Belcher - Guaranteed to produce at least one healthy belch per show.  I am convinced it's some shit stolen from Howard Stern but it still works and it's funny.  After he re-up'd with ESPN, they tried to get rid of it but the public outcry wanted it, so the belch is back

Fred Faour  

Grouch - Fred is just grouchy. He makes no bones about it. As a listener, it can be a turn off but if you know the show, it's easy to overlook.

Phone Number - He will give out the station's phone number at least 983 times in a 3 hour show.  Fred could stop taking callers/texts for the show and immediately give out the show's number.

Josh Innes 

Racial Man - Josh has fully embraced racial radio. A portion of his show will hover around race in some capacity.  He's seen that race radio is the meal ticket.

Hypocritical - Josh will blast people about the shit they do while doing the same thing himself.  Example: He blasted Doc Rivers for nepotism. Doc Rivers coaches his son Austin Rivers.  Meanwhile, Josh's girlfriend Jilly is working on his show.  He will also blast habits of media members and say, "I hate when the media do this......" then he does it.

Blaster -  One of the reasons I like Josh, he will go at the competition. He gives no fucks

ND Kalu - Just nice

Mike Meltser - Fair

Patrick Creighton - 

Loud - Patrick loves to over talk you. You can really tell when he's passionate about a topic because his octaves go up by 100 %.  The dude is literally the loudest person in Houston. I can save my data and just open a window and hear him; I am in Fort Bend and he's in the Galleria.

John Lopez

The Giggler - He just giggles, there is not much more to say

Seth Payne

Passionate - Seth will let loose if he feels passionate about a subject.  I love it

Corrector - Seth loves to correct people and tell you why you are wrong.  The shit is cool for football i.e. the things you know he knows but it can get a tad overwhelming when he do it in damn near everything.

Landry Locker 

Groucho/Contrarian - For a relatively young man, Landry is fucking grouchy, He don't suffer fools easily.  If he think it's stupid, he will flat out say it. It's so funny hearing Mike Meltser and Seth Payne trying to corral him and he's like "Nope, that's idiotic to me".

Joel Blank

As a former Rocket's Play By Play employee, he's rubbed elbows with the pros in town.  I notice that he corrects a lot of shit that fans have wrong .  In other words, if there's a common belief by the fanbase and they spit it at him like it's the gospel, he will check you and explain why you are wrong.

Sean Pendergast

I do not listen to his local show; I only listen to his national show on Sundays because weekend programming is awful.  The reason I cannot listen to Sean's local show because I cannot get beyond the smacking.  As he's transitioning or catching a breath, he smacks.  It's very pronounced.  Sean is not the only local personality who smacks, a lot of them do but his is so damn loud.  It's weird because I was a huge Sean fan when he was with 1560 The Game and I never noticed it, the minute he got with 610, it become an annoyance.  My guess is, the engineering is better at 610 and maybe I can hear things more clearly, nevertheless it makes my flesh crawl and I cannot listen

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