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Written by: Craig Shelton
Date Posted: 10/21/2010
Folks, I'm completely amazed that so many current and former athletes, as well as some media and fans alike, are acting as if NFL football is dead or dying a slow death somehow? No one should be amazed that guys, i.e. NFL players that can't even manage they're own money and personal lives maturely (daaa...see Brett Favre's unit on utube) are being policed by the NFL front office reportedly for the sake of player saftey.
C'mon people surely we all get this, right? Listen, if cops & fireman (who real are the real "life or death" players in society by the way) have saftey articles in place for their own protection, who the hell is the professional football community, not to protect their players?
Football is a GAME and regardless of any inherent or obvious risk, there should NEVER be a close-minded acceptance for the potential of serious injury or death. Yes, you keep "playing the game" but you also keep working to improve it in EVERY fashion. Like it or not angry NFL fan guy, that includes SAFTEY as well!
The thing is folks, you don't just ignore safety, just because the sport has some on-the-field inherent dangers. Folks die on freeways everyday, right, but we don't stop using freeways, do we? No, we pay our insurance; we wear seat belts & amend speed limit laws, but we still "play the game"! We play the game with stop lights and stop signs, but we still "play the game"!
When you arrived at work this morning, no one called you a "wuss" simply because you obeyed traffic laws while driving in to work, did they? Of course not, they called you a wuss because you're still wearing that dumb pink headband you picked up at last weeks tailgate party.
We're an intelligent, intellectual society, not barbarians watching Roman gladiators slay each other with steel.
There was a time in professional football when the players had shabby helmets without the protective aid of a facemask. Somehow, NFL brass saw fit to legislate the face mask into the game; wow, how about that?! Amazingly folks, the NFL wasn't done there, because they even had the nerve to legislate offensive linemen holding up defensive lineman to allow a teammate to come along and chop block their knees OUT OF THE GAME! Awesome huh? It's a little thing called evolution folks. This evolution thing is cool because it occurs in every facet of life, so get with the program!
Some may be shocked to know that in a period of American history in the 1800's, it was legal for men to beat their wives. There was even a legal determination of acceptable length of the rod used by men to beat their wives with. That was smart, right? I don't think so! Oh yeah, remember that slavery thing, that turned out not to be such a good idea either, right?
Simply stated folks, we've made a ton of ignorant, inhumane, degrading and DANGEROUS rules, laws, etc. in this country's history. We've also overturned tons of ridiculous laws/rules in this country's history as well and things will continue to evolve "as the world turns".
Get the hell out of here with some of the takes guys have tried to run at me since this topic caught fire. Drop dead already with the "we played football in my day, you guys are girls nowadays". Yeah, you old farts, we also damn near killed every damned buffalo when the railroad was established and travelers shot grazing buffalo by the thousands just to pass the time away as they traveled via train across the American plains. Laws are established to govern the country; to govern private industry; and the NFL has an obligation to make money and protect its investments as any other solvent business organization.
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I played football all the way up to the high school level. I played on both sides of the ball. My brother "Red Raider" Kevin played CB at Texas Tech in the late 80's and has a son Kevin Jr., that's continuing our family's football pedigree. When I look back at my brother's and my introduction into organized football, I keep coming back to the same realization. WE WERE TAUGHT TO PLAY THE GAME THE WRONG WAY FROM THE VERY BEGINNING!
Signed: "What the hell are you doing kid?! Put your head in his damned chest and drive his ass into the planet damnit or GIVE ME 5 LAPS!"
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Craig Shelton
Email: houstonmediawatch@yahoo.com
Blog: http://www.houstonmediawatch.com/
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Yup you should not lead with your head...every now and then back in the day articles in newspapers and television actually appeared stating this fact...you tackle using your shoulder..basic fundamental technique, Until this change takes place football will continue to be played the wrong way..I am not holding my breath until the change takes place... Sad to say and many will say I am playing the race card but until a star white boy (Brady or Manning for example) gets paralyzed very little will happen top to bottom in the game to change the way it is played as to how tackles are being made...if a lot of white chicks were getting sick from HIV the public reponse would be very different...as of now the big spike in the numbers of new HIV cases is among black females.. This hardly raises and eyebrow in mainstream America..I must give Hillary Clinton credit for stating that scientific fact on national television.
That's the way it is baby... When they Say it ain't about race, guess what? Uh huh.
That's the imbalance cursing our future today...who pushed this agenda over the centuries?..we hate gays.. We hate immigrants..that policy is straight out the Christian Church in America look it up baby...that's why Al Gore invented the Internet...Use it!
Heck if it is good enough for Charlie Pallilo it will work
for you too, Matt and Adam.
Let me be understood here ok? What is the NFL about?
Money! What was slavery about! MONEY !
War in Iraq? Money!
They can call it national interest..making thr world safe for democracy or what evah..at the same time your job done went to Ireland or Hong Kong and what's that about? All togather now!
Have yall heard of "collateral damage"?
In the Iraq War this is about an acceptable level of
civilian deaths as a result of having attacked Iraq
to stomp out those errah"weapons of mass destruction".
85 to well over 100 thousand civilian casualties
is estimated in Iraq.. Were American numbers in that ball park? You already know.
So hey we can wipe out the "enemy" oops I mean err
civilians with little flack from mainstream as long as the Amerian Peeps are
drinking the coolaid..after all they, i.e. Muslims as in "Sand Niccas", are Terrorist...as in the only good Indian is a dead Indian..dead Indians lose their land right? Hmmm
so a few NFL white guys get concussions what is it called?
Collateral damage baby....but if Payton gets knocked
out the box the game changes, why because White America wakes up
And says omg we have a problem! No chit Sherlock! When crack hits the surburbs really hard
guess what America? "We" have a problem!
See that's real talk and that is all I am saying.
The proof will Be in the change in the actual time served for being connected to and
possessing crack will be magically reduced..
That said LaMont I will skip the soccer moms on
crack sceanario I think at this point. See
I was up early flipped on 790 and it fired me up...um real... 1 in 3 19th century cowboys were black ok add in the Native Americans and Mexcan Americans ok? Now do the math my
Fellow Americans...um saying don't be just happybnot to be black or brown while you job and childrens future slip away while you at
A tea party rally...there has been a major shift in the wealth in America every since Ronald Reagan was President..the rich are much richer where do you the middle class dollars went? Uh huh
Let me be understood here ok? What is the NFL about?
Money! What was slavery about! MONEY !
War in Iraq? Money!
They can call it national interest..making thr world safe for democracy or what evah..at the same time your job done went to Ireland or Hong Kong and what's that about? All togather now!
Have yall heard of "collateral damage"?
In the Iraq War this is about an acceptable level of
civilian deaths as a result of having attacked Iraq
to stomp out those errah"weapons of mass destruction".
85 to well over 100 thousand civilian casualties
is estimated in Iraq.. Were American numbers in that ball park? You already know.
So hey we can wipe out the "enemy" oops I mean err
civilians with little flack from mainstream as long as the Amerian Peeps are
drinking the coolaid..after all they, i.e. Muslims as in "Sand Niccas", are Terrorist...as in the only good Indian is a dead Indian..dead Indians lose their land right? Hmmm
so a few NFL white guys get concussions what is it called?
Collateral damage baby....but if Payton gets knocked
out the box the game changes, why because White America wakes up
And says omg we have a problem! No chit Sherlock! When crack hits the surburbs really hard
guess what America? "We" have a problem!
See that's real talk and that is all I am saying.
The proof will Be in the change in the actual time served for being connected to and
possessing crack will be magically reduced..
That said LaMont I will skip the soccer moms on
crack sceanario I think at this point.
My closing remarks.. I feel like taking a collection
I was up early flipped on 790 and it fired me up...um real... 1 in 3 19th century cowboys were black ok add in the Native Americans and Mexcan Americans ok? Now do the math my
Fellow Americans...um saying don't be just happybnot to be black or brown while you job and childrens future slip away while you at
A tea party rally...there has been a major shift in the wealth in America every since Ronald Reagan was President..the rich are much richer where do you the middle class dollars went? Uh huh
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